"Are you ready to fall in the dream with us?"

Photo by Guus van der Aa (@picsbygustav)
In November 2023, the girls from Dreamcatcher graced the 013 in Tilburg (The Netherlands) with their powerful presence as part of their World Tour. The group, consisting of members JiU, SuA, Siyeon, Handong, Yoohyeon, Dami & Gahyeon gave everything they had with their many explosive choreographies!!
The Venue: 013 Poppodium, Tilburg
The 013 Poppodium has been around for years, holding approximately 300 concerts every year from various artists. Before the show they asked a few questions about Kpop and their fans in general, which information we were happy to share! They want to have more Kpop shows here in the future. The venue is easy to get to: 10 min walk from the train station, and a few minutes from the parking garage.
Queueing went relatively well, with some discrepancies with the number system, but nothing major. The line at the merchandise stand was long - they clearly weren't prepared for the amount of people that wanted to buy some concert merch!
Tickets were not sold out, but the venue was pretty full. We are guessing that about 2000 tickets were sold, the venue having a capacity of 3000. The stairlike floor in the back made sure that even if you were in Tier 2, you had a good view!

Photo by Guus van der Aa (@picsbygustav)
The Concert
It is a few minutes after 18:00 when the music gets louder and the lights dim. All light sticks were automatically connected to Bluetooth and lit up the venue. Not only light sticks; there was also one Efteling 'Langnek' raising above the crowd! Without an intro video, but with very pretty background visuals, the group entered the stage and were in sync as they performed both "Vision" and "Maison" from their latest album.
The members are visibly tired, they worked so hard already! They are happy to be in the Netherlands again after their new album and ask everyone to be mindful to not push others forward during the show, probably because of the Itaewon disaster in October.
This is the first show in the Netherlands with all the members and they are very excited to meet all Insomnia. After Poison Love Dreamcatcher starts singing Deja Vu, a capella; and to their delight Insomnia go on longer than the girls themselves!
After Scream it is time to play a game. In turn, a member will draw a paper with another member's name on it, and she will perform the climax part of their solo song. The order was:
Gayeon - Playground
Dami - Beauty Full
SuA - Do Not
Handong - Winter
Siyeon - Entrancing
Yoohyeon - For
JiU - Cherry (Real Miracle)
Especially SuA made a big impact with her sexy performance, and JiU wants to do the song too as a challenge! They have a fun time as both Siyeon and Dami, forced by their members and the audience, also participate. Then the hard rock sounds of Break The Wall start to play and the concert continues.
At Wind Blows, Dreamcatcher urges Insomnia to sing along with the chorus, after (of course) some practice. They did well, and loud!
It's almost time to say goodbye, but before that they have some great news: the girls renewed their contract! It seems like we will be able to enjoy their music and performances for much longer. Then it was time to take few photos and have a break before the encore songs. We love you, Dreamcatcher! <3

Photo by Guus van der Aa (@picsbygustav)
Red Sun
Rainy Day
Jazz Bar
Poison Love
Odd Eye
Break The Wall
Locked Inside A Door
Silent Night
Wind Blows
Some Love
Over The Sky
New Days
All photos by @ Guus van der Aa