OnlyOneOf, the six-member group that consists of KB, Rie, Yoojung, Junji, Mill, and Nine. Just wrapped up their European tour 'dOpamine: OnlyOneOf 2024 World Tour', the guys visited seven countries and whilst they where in the Netherlands for their concert in Amsterdam. The guys took some time appart to answer our questions. In an exclusive interview with KpopConcertsEurope, the members talked how they developed as a team, their current tour and about their latest album.

Question: Five years have passed since you’ve debuted as a group. What would you say to the you from five years ago?
Junji: I know right… It has already been five years since we’ve debuted. We recently did a live broadcast on YouTube to celebrate our 5th anniversary. At that time, I was actually chocked up with emotion even though I tried not to, so I don’t think I was able to talk about my feelings properly. I would like to take this opportunity to speak as a representative. To my OnlyOneOf members!: You are all doing so well. Don’t worry and let’s continue to work hard like we have been doing so far. You know that health is the most important thing, right? Especially if you’re tired, don’t skip your meals!
Question: How has your group dynamic changed over the years?
Rie: The time has really flown by these past five years. At the time of our debut songs ‘Savanna’ and ‘Time Leap’ I thought it was just one tiny little dot*. We always wanted to do our own music, but it wasn’t easy to define it exactly in one word. But after this, while going through various songs, I think we found a colour unique to OnlyOneOf. There were many challenges and trials and errors, but through that process we learned new things ended up with even more solid and unique music.
*OnlyOneOf often refers to their beginnings as a ‘dot’ that will expand. Their debut album was also titled ‘Dot Point Jump’.
Question: Can you name one thing that influenced your music and the storylines shown in the music videos and albums?
KB: Musically, I think our producers are influenced a lot by genre and (general) inspiration and such. There is a lot of progress while interacting. I think our music video’s or albums are influenced by lyOns expectations. We want to continue to honour to our fans who tell us they are thankful!

Question: This is your first time touring in Europe: what are you looking forward to the most?
Nine: As always, I think I’m most excited to see the reactions or expectations of the lyOns during each tour. In that sense, since this is the first European tour in our five years I want to finish it even more perfectly.
Question: Tonight’s performance is in Amsterdam. Were you able to try any Dutch snacks or food? Did you like it?
Rie: I researched a lot before we came here. I had read that there are a lot of tulips and bicycles, but I was surprised to find out that every place seemed like a painting. Since we are here for a short time, I don’t think I’ll be able to try any snacks, but I would like to try a lot during our tour. ㅎㅎ (haha)
Question: Is there a song you’re looking for performing for European lyOns the most?
Mill: That would be ‘LibidO’, the remixed English version. I think this is one of the songs that European lyOns would like the most. I want to hear lyOns sing ‘LibidO’ in the concert hall.
Question: What is your pre-performance ritual as a group?
Yoojung: Since there are many songs we have to dance to, we all stretch in order not to get hurt.
Question: What’s one necessary item you need to bring with you on tour?
Yoojung: In my opinion that would be an adapter. I think I would be very sad if my phone battery ran out and I wouldn’t be able to communicate with our lyOns. We get to meet our fans at the concert hall face to face during our tour, but if we are on the other side of the world or lyOns are not able to come to the concert hall, we still want to share our stories with them. Since I really want to share my daily life with them, I’ll choose an adapter. ㅎㅎ (haha)
ABOUT THE 'Things I Can't Say Love'
Question: How does "Things I Can't Say Love" differ from your previous releases in terms of sound and style?
KB: While pursuing feeling that already exists for OnlyOneOf, we tried hard to make an album that could be enjoyed by everyone (regardless of age or gender). It still might lack a bit, but we tried hard to make an album that is closer to this achievement.
Question: Which song from the EP can you identify most with and why?
Nine: For me, it’s the song ‘O’. Even if the path is lonely, it keeps going. It’s interesting to question what you are walking for and it is something that makes you think about yourself.
Question: Can you share any interesting or challenging moments from the recording process of this EP?
Nine: I think there are always continuous challenges. We have to follow the voice or vocal skill of the artist we respect or producer ‘Haeil’ while each showing our individual charms, which is not easy. But because it is not an easy challenge, every album shows (our) growth which is interesting and makes me proud.
Question: What message would you like to send to lyOns and our readers who have been eagerly awaiting your arrival?
Mill: This is our first European tour in the five years since our debut and I am so happy we get to meet so many lyOns. I want to thank you for waiting for us until now. We will make this the happiest concert in the world. I am always thankful and I love you guys.❤️
Question: Lastly, can you give us a hint about what the future holds for OnlyOneOf after the European tour?
Junji: We will take a little break after the European tour and then immediately continue our Asia and Australia tour. Please show us a lot of interest. Through our remaining performances and listening to our songs we plan to give you, both K-pop fans and lyOns, a lot of strength and happy memories as a gift! Big thank you to PAV and OnlyOneOf's Management for making this possible.
If you want to relive OnlyOneOf's show in Amsterdam, head over to our concert recap!
